Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Game 7 rule

How to decide what game to go to or if worth going to? That is a question I get from friends.

There are some simple rules to follow:
1.      Rivalry games – If you can go to Alabama vs. Auburn, Florida vs. Florida State, Ohio State vs. Michigan, Yankees vs. Red Sox, Kentucky vs. Louisville, Duke vs. North Carolina, etc., YOU GO!
2.       New Stadium opening year – If it is coming down to two trips and one is a new stadium or arena then you go to new arena over other choice. Note: Rule 1 trumps rule 2. A rivalry game is above new stadium
First Year at "New Busch" Stadium in STL
3.      New game/event – If you are choosing between 8th trip to Atlanta for Braves’ game or first trip to Tampa Bay for Rays game, then go to Rays game.  Note: Rules 1 and 2 trump rule 3. 
4.      Price of event – Again if it comes down to two trips of equal sports value then go ahead and save a few dollars and take the cheaper option. The money saved on ticket can go to adult beverages at event or after. Note Rule 1, 2, and 3 trump rule 4.
5.       “The Game Seven Rule” – This is a simple rule that is often not considered by the rookie sports fan due to concern about price of event. Then inevitably upon further review a great trip, game, or play happens and for the rest of that person’s life they regret not going. For me, I passed on 1992 Duke vs. Kentucky NCAA Regional Final….“the Laettner shot” game. To this day, I see the shot over and over in March on CBS and drop my head. I should have been there! This rule states that any elimination game that a fan can attend of any tournament should be attended. The higher the level of the sport and the latter in the tournament the more effort should be put on attending, but even a freshman high school football championship game has a level of importance on the Game 7 scale. This rule trumps all others!

KY Class A State Championship 

picture from Cincinnati Enquirer

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